Coffee Bay - Roasting One Dream at A Time

Hy! Annyeoong ♥♥

Today, i let you know a coffee shop in south korea! Hmm you can find this store almost in side of seoul, but... I will say thanks for first to Coffee Bay at Gui Store.

Lets go!!!

If you go to inside, you will find this!!

Beautiful tumblr >▽< i have to have one!!!

Let me to looking around of cafe!!

Woah... A lot of  menu! I confused to pick one!

The price is enough hihihi

When i wanna choice a cake... I can't choice one! I wanna eat all of them >▽<

But... I have to choice one! Hihihi

So.... I choice.....

Before my cake come, i will show you this side of cafe!! Xixi

And tadaaa!!! My cake and my americano >▽<

Looks delicious!!!

Let me to try!

Hoah!!! Really really really!!! Soft!!!!! Sweet!!!! The taste of chocolate is no joke!!!! I love this!!!

If i don't love this cake.. Maybe, i will not eat them all hohoho. I really love the cake >▽<

Actually i not really like wipe cream. But.... You must to eat them too!!! Wipe cream's taste is so so so so so gooooood ♥♥♥

Okay, i will go to work!

Thanks for Coffee Bay that let me to review your cake and americano!>▽<

If you wanna go here, just go to Gui St. Line 2
Walk straight untill you see traffic light, and sign board to go to Children Grand Park.
From there, just walk straigh........... Untill you see the police office. Big of police office! The cafe's location is in police office side >▽<

Hmmm or wait untill i edit and post about this on my youtube channel!!

Byeeee 👋


Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi

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★★★ STAR's DIARY ★★★

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Thanks for reading

And for last but not really last



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