Nyam Nyam Tjup Tjup by Sabujak-Sabujak

Hy ganks!!!

I will let you know my team's new program that called as 'NYAM NYAM TJUP TJUP'

yes.... As like as the name, our program is about Foods, Beverages, Cakes, etc (something that can eat) but... We make different of the packages.

Nyam Nyam Tjup Tjup is program like mookbang, but.... Simmilar with Tour Mookbang. We introduce about Foods, Restaurants, Cafes, Cakes; etc that being famous in seoul. And will make you wanna visit there.

If you curious... Let show this video!!!

For 1st episode, we will introduce about Elephant Coffee. If you wanna know, where the cafe.. Just check at our channel! ♥♥♥

Dont forget to subscribe our channel too at SABUJAK-SABUJAK

Like, and share to your friends... If you wanna get some kpop present from us! ^^

*we will do GIVE A WAY, as soon as possible

Okay, i will go to sleep!!!

Byeeee 👋


Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi

Dont forget to visit my korean blog

★★★ STAR's DIARY ★★★

and also follow my instagram at imey2901

Or subscribe my channel youtube >> imey's diary << for get my new others video! ♥♥♥

Thanks for reading

And for last but not really last



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