Clue Crew - My Korean Culture Exchange Experience Part 1

Hello dear!!! How are you?! (:

As influencer and also blogger... I always search all about korea culture activity. I hope, i can make a lot of friends and also i can study about korean culture in here >▽<
Not only korean culture, i can study korean language for free too HAHAHA
*actually when i make conversation with them, i use korean so much!

Okay, back to laptop!!!

And, i will share to you about Clue Crew.
Clue Crew is a association for student expatriate who living in korea. Not only student, hmmm i think teenagers? In korea teenagers ages is untill 26 years old.

In the party, i and my new friends share about how hard we living in south korea as foreigner.

Many korean are racism, and many korean have a pure heart... ♥♥♥
Altough koreans like that, i still loving korea ♥.♥

South korea is my house. My sweet home. My best place to grow up and be more mature (:

Okay, back!

In there, we do game, we eat snacks a lot, we laugh, we heard each other, and we let growing up or empathy and sympathy each other. Yeah.... In There, is not only korea and indonesia (:
America, German, England, Thailand, etc >▽<

I am so lucky, because.. I am a one of millions people who have a lot of chance to making friends for many country!!!

I really happy, because... I born as extroverter (:

Thanks god!! Thanks!!!

And this is our pictures when i go to the party >▽<

Not all of pictures, but.... I hope you can feel the party too ^^

* i will share my Halloween Party Experience, My Volunteer Experience, My Korean Activity, etc with other student expatriates club ☞☜


Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi

Dont forget to visit my korean blog

★★★ STAR's DIARY ★★★

and also follow my instagram at imey2901

Or subscribe my channel youtube >> imey's diary << for get my new others video! ♥♥♥

Thanks for reading

And for last but not really last



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