
Showing posts from September, 2018

My Favorite Cookie During in Seoul

hy ganks~!!! today, i really gabut nih :" gajelas banget mau ngapain dan mau ngepost apaan?! so, i go to 편의점 again, and bought  chocolate cookie in there~ ♥♥ there is a lot of 편의점 in South Korea, and the famous one is CU. i bought cookie in behind of my house. whats kind of cookie? chocolate cookie with 438 total calorie has almond inside. not only CU, you can find that in GS25, or Seven Eleven. for prices is not really expensive. but last time i bought in last years is still around 1.000 korean won. but today is 1.200 korean won. huft. okay, i think chocolate and almond price is being more expensive. hmm okay, i will back soon ganks~♥ i still open KOREA TOUR JUST CALL MY WHATSAPP AT +821032742901 Thanks for reading 📚 Thanks for visiting 🏃 *********** Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi ♥ DONT FORGET TO READ THE OTHER POST, FOR THE OTHER EXPERIENCES ♥ Also

2018 Chuseok Story

hy gankssssssss how are you? today is Chuseok. do you know what is chuseok? yeah, chuseok is thanks giving in korea. many korean go to their village to visit their family in Chuseok. thats why, in my house neighbor is so quiet. there is no store that open, there is no car in morning untill 3pm. and, here looks like died city. hohoho ok next. arround 1pm i go to jessica's house and made Nasi Goreng with her. then..... i do sanchaek as usually after i eat something with her. i go to Childern Grand Park. i just walk with her, see animals and thousand of baby kkkk i also took pictures. just for fun i met kangoroo, fox, lion, tiger, etc. ok, after i visited there.. i just go to my house, and slept. at 7pm, i feel hungry. i confuses that will i eat for dinner. so, i bought Sausages in convenient store and make Sausages to be Sausages Jeon. one of a lot special menu in Thanks Giving Party. after i eat all. i decided to write my expe

CF Shooting Experience

halo ganks~ a few days ago, i have experience to do part time for shooting a indonesia tv comercial. i visited Seoul Land, and ride Roller Coaster for 20 times. i got new korean friends, and also new indonesian friends. in there, i met my old friend too~~~ not only that, i met Spain Video Director, DOP, Producer, Warddrope Stylist, and also Executive Producer. and that make me happy, i got their personal contact. from The Headliners TV, 25 Frame Indonesia, RainbowBridge Film too.... ah, i got followback from Jordie, who an actor. from korean friends, i got beautiful pics. i will let you see~ 20180913 is the best day ever during 2018~!!!!! thanks god....... i hope, i can be closer to reach my dream. hmm.. okay~ i will back in next time~ ganks~!! i still open KOREA TOUR and FIND KAPOOR JUST CALL MY WHATSAPP AT +821032742901 Thanks for reading 📚 Thanks for visiting 🏃 *********** Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet.

From Visa D10 to Visa D4 Korea

hy ganks~!!! i will let you know, something different~ hohoho a few months ago, i hold D10 visa and back to bring D4 student visa in Korea. so, i will let you know, how to hold student visa again after D10 in S.Korea Visa D10 to Visa D4 - passport photi 4x3cm - copy of ARC - copy of Passport - sertificate of residence - 졸업증명서 - 성격증명서 - surat bukti bahwa kuliah kemarin memakai bahasa inggris - tanda bukti telah masuk di universitas (certificate admission) - tanda bukti bayar sekolah - cek kesehatan (보건소) - copy ktp ortu - copy passport ortu - kartu keluarga - akte kelahiran - sponsorship letter from parent - copy bank & bank statement (parent & private) - min. 5000 USD if failed, just come back to Indonesia, and return again in korea. hihihi hmm.. okay~ i will back in next time~ ganks~!! i still open KOREA TOUR and FIND KAPOOR JUST CALL MY WHATSAPP AT +821032742901 Thanks for reading 📚 Thanks for v

SRT (Super Rapid Train) Experience

hy Ganks~~~!!! how are you????? today, i will share with you, my experience to use SRT from Seoul to Dongtan City. yeah, SRT is Super Rapid Train. there was you will need around 2 hours from Seoul to Suwon (by subway) but, you just need 15 minutes. you also use that if you wanna visit busan. SRT and KTX is not really different, but... when i read from naver blog, you need 3 hours 20 minutes from Seoul to Busan by KTX. but, just around 2 hours 40 minutes by SRT. for price??? YEAH~ SRT IS EXPENSIVE THAN KTX. BUT....... its okay, and SUPER DUPER WORTH IT~!!! (SRT and Plane is no different) *i think okay. if you wanna try SRT, just go to Suseo St. line Yellow Bundang or line orange 3. and, follow the sign to go to SRT Station. SRT is more comfortable than KTX. i recommends to using SRT. 🎊 hmm.... why i go to Dongtan? cause i wanna visit my boyfriend in there ❤❤❤ i and him looking about Apartment in there~ and leting know

Pengalaman Ngantree Beli Day6 Marchandise

hy ganks~~~ So, beberapa hari yang lalu i try to beli merchandise Day6 gitu. secara katanya nih, ada fanmeeting. hmm aku ngantre nya di Korea Univ gitu deh. singkat cerita. aku harus dtg jam 8 karena open jam 10. dan itu antrean bakal panjang banget. tapiiiiiii aku dtg jan 9. dan setelah itu, sampai jam 1 pun, aku msh blm dapet itu barang Day Six. bukannya dpt barang Day6, aku harus terjatuh dan luka-luka huft. antreannya panjang kan??? dan hari itu adalah hari dimana aku mendapatkan pengalaman goblok yang ga terlupa --" bisa-bisa nya kalian di perbudak oleh para manusia-manusia serakah gitu. kalau aku punya anak, dan dia ngefans sana seseorang yang ngefansnya KEBACUT, aku ga akan dukung finansial atau moral --" gila aja... itu orang yang dehidrasi, lupa ga bawa payung, dan ga bisa sarapan, bisa mati kepanasan loh... buat para KPOPers, plis laaah..... kalian ngefans ga masalah, tapi ya tahu diri ya~ selana kalian mampu, lanju

How To Change Visa D10 to E7 Visa Korea

hy..... as foreigner, we have to go to Imigration, aren't us? yeah... if we want to change visa, we have to call 1345 and if they are not busy, we can get a million of information. not only via call, we can search information by website at but, i know~ the problem is.... if we want to change our visa from student to be worker. is not easy, ganks.. in here i will let you know, some of A LOT DOCUMENTS that you need if you want to change your D visa to E visa you must prepare by yourself: -신청서 - 여권 사진 3x4 - 성격증명서 (score transcript) - 절업증명서 - 결핵검사 확인서 (you will get from 보건소) - 집계약 - 경력증/학위징 - 133.000 KRW for your new visa prepare by your company:: - 회사소개서 ppt print. - 사업등력증 - 고용사유서 (활용계획서) *looks at picture - 고용계약서 - 임직원 명부 /보험명단 (must be list by 4대보험's website ) - 납부내역증명 - 납세사실증명 - 표준손익계산서 - 표준재무제표증명 - 포괄임금 - (additional documents, you will know ater you visit imigration) *you have to call

Membayar Bea Cukai Indonesia

hy hy....... jadi, as you know~ i have online shop kan ya~ nah, for the first time, barang jualanku kena pajak. hmm sebagai penjual, aku ga peduli pajak bea masuk dong. sehingga, harganya yang ada di online shop ku belum termasuk pajak bea import. ok singkat cerita. sekitar 14 hari yang lalu, aku kirim barang ke Indonesia, kalian pasti tahu toh? FIND KAPOOR?? nah, aku kirim barang ke Indonesia sebanyak 18pcs menggunakan EMS dan yang bikin kaget, TAGIHAN PAJAK nya keluar gitu. aku yang masih ga peduli tentang pajak, akhirnya berusaha mencari-cari tahu ttg pajak. dan akhirnyaaaa TADAAAA tagihan sebesar harus di bayarkan dengan menunjukkan kode billing yang terlihat. buat yang memiliki NPWP, pajak yang harus dibayarkan hanya 50% dari pajak yang tidak memiliki NPWP. jadi ganks, buat kalian yang sudah berpenghasilan yuk bikin NPWP~! ^^ toh juga kan, pajak itu ujung-ujung nya buat negara lagi :3 hmm, asia games 2018 yang sukses itu juga kan ka

Bali Bistro, A Indonesian Resto Near Yonsei University

hy ganks~~~ in lastpost, you maybe read my post about Warung Kita in Ansan, but a few day before i visited Ansan, i visited Bali Bistro with Vely in Sinchon, Seoul. i posted photo's slide show in youtube already. i know, very fast. so i will reposted pictures in here lets go to inside, to see the menus, and food!!! i order Nasi Goreng and also Mie Goreng. i feel upset with Nasi Goreng's taste. cause, they has taste like BUMBU BAMBOE NASI GORENG ㅠㅠ i got homesick, but the Nasi Goreng's taste .... with 8.000 korean won, the Nasi Goreng is not worth~!!! but, dont worry.... they still have Mie Goreng, Rendang, and Udang, Cap Jay, etc. ah ganks~ if you wanna visit here, just look the map bellow ♥ just go to Sinchon St. line green number 2, and go to exit number 6 or 5. then...... follow the line~ 💋 i still open Korea Backpacker, ganks~! ♥♥♥ okay; i will back soon♥♥♥ Thank