Hakjune Barbeque House - The Resto of Bobby's IKON's Auntie

Hy there........

What are you doing now??? How are you????

Today, i will let you know about recommendation of Pork Barbeque House if you are IKON's fans.

Did you know BOBBY IKON? I this you know him as well.. Rapper who was born at 1995 like me hihihi

Actually, i didn't know him a lot, but.. Yui, my friend tell me a lot of Bobby. She ask me to find place in here and there which has relation with Him, Bobby IKON. So, while i searching from the map, i also try to go here and there. And, in this time........ Let's start from Bobby's IKON's Aunti's.

She told me, his aunti has restauran near from Naebang Subway Station in line number 7.

So, after i and her visiting Korean Youth Club, we go there for dinner.

Let me to show you!

Let's go to inside!

I will show you the menu and also prices hohoho

While i waiting my dinner come, i take a lot of restaurant's picture. Hmmm BOBBY SPOT'S PICTURE hahaha

After i feel enough, i back to my chair. And i look Yui doing something.

Can you look the beef? Make me be hungry! I really wanna eat as soon as possible!

We asked for 1 of beef and 1 of pork.

We payed about 24.000 korean won, for eat the glamour dinner(?) hahaha

Nonono, Samgyeopsal (Pork Barbeque) is not expensive enough. Hmmm standart prices for 150gr of meat.

Looks!!! She so exciting, isn't her?

Whoaaaah..... When the pan is close hot, Yui taking pork on the pan!

'NYESSSSS' the sound is really make my feel more hungry! I wanna eat! Pork pork pork!!! Beef beef beef!!! I love you both ♥

Yes!!! Our lovely is ready to eat >▽<

She really happy that night!

After eat all of dinner, she asked ne to ask the part timer to taking pictures in bobby's place. And this is the result of her picture!!!

Close enough!

Actually... I don't understand with you kpopers. Hahaha but..... I enjoy it! I enjoy to have a lot of friends who kpopers ♥♥♥

If you wanna go there, i will let you know!

Just follow the map below (^-^)

Just go to Naebang Subway Station Line number 7, than go to exit number 2. After that........... Just walk around 3 minutes to the blue sign ♥♥♥

So easy, isnt it???

Okay i will sleep now!

If you go to South Korea, don't forget to go there too ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi

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Thanks for reading

And for last but not really last



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