[REVIEW] GRINIF Family Cream, Face and Body

Annyeong guys!!

Today i will let you know the new one of korean's makeup brand. Hmm in fact, this brand is old brand, but.... Their company is not published yet.

And the product is

Family Cream, Face and Body Cream by Grinif ♥

Why i let you know for my reason of choosing this lotion? Because... This lotion is so soft! Daily Moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid Green Tea and Shea Butter.

This lotion's smell is so good! For you who love baby, you will like this lotion too! ♥♥

As the name, Family Cream. This lotion is recommend for you, your parents, your boy/girl friend, your little baby brother/sister, and also for your grand mother/father. So great, isnt it?

Nowadays, korean weather is f*cking crazy extream! So COLD and FREEZE... And, when i used this lotion, i don't need worry for my face and body skin. Why??? Cause this lotion is really make your skin be moisturized!!!

For you who muslim, don't need to worry, cause there is no animal in this lotion. So, the lotion is halal for you!!!


Not only for moisturizer, this lotion can make your skin be more brighter!!! And your crush will be yours! ♥♥♥

Ah! Every products is not only has the good point, actually this lotion has bad point too... :(

The price that not really cheap, and the texture is slightly liquid. For you who didnt like oily lotion, this lotion is recommends for you ♥♥

Hmmm okay, i will back soon!



Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi

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And for last but not really last



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