I Visited Noryang-Jin Fish Market

Hy!!! How are you?

In 25th December, Xmast day i go to Noryangjin Fish Market with my tour participants.

I will let you know, heaven of fish in Seoul, South Korea

Yeah!!! When i go there, i feel fall in love with Noryangjin Market! Why??? Cause.... I love fish! I love seafood!!! I love Sashimi. I love all of foods that come from sea!!!

We can buy fish in there, and eat in the restaurant that inside market!

So delicious rite?! You can request about fresh fish, or cooked fish! Grilled, soup, steam, all about cooked seafood will be prepare for your request!!!

Hmm and my tour participant

They enjoying food >▽<

If you wanna go here, you can go to Line 1, at Noryangjin Subway Station on ext. number 1, and don't go to outside! Just lookin the stairs to go the market!!! (:

And... Just follow the arrow!!! (:

Thanks for reading 📚
And, have a good time!!! ⏰


Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi

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Thanks for reading

And for last but not really last



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