KING And Come September At Christmast Eve 2017

Hy culimeyers!!!

Merry Xmast for you who celebrating it ♥♥♥

So, today, i will let you know how i spent my xmast eve in Seoul, South Korea

My friend, Azka.. Told me and banni-eun eonni, there is ice skating at Sinchon. So, for spent our xmast eve, we decide to go there.

And, suddenly.. Our beloved one and the only of KING's developer, Kang Jong Hyun, sent me kakaotalk to ask me for spend xmast eve, together with other korean and indonesian who living in South Korea (esp. Seoul). Ah!!! Lanny Eonni who visiting South Korea for long holiday is also invited by Him!

At 6 pm, me and Bannieun Eonni go to Myeongdong St. For meet with Azka, but... That day was rainy day, so Ice Skating's store is close. Azka asked us to accompany him to buy some korea makeup. Yeah, he will go to Indonesia for Winter Holiday.

We do not buy some make-up and clothes for xmast party on 25th. We just go to KING's meeting point. Hihihi. And, let me to introduce that place!

The place is COME SEPTEMBER!

The Come September's owner is also speak Indonesian well. So, do need worry, if you cannot speak Korea. You can ask her on Indonesian. Hohoho

After you at 1st floor, you will find

Let's go to inside!!!

You can feel about christmast in there.

Menus??? Don't worry! I also took pictures for you!!!

Come September will be Coffeshop in the evening, and will sell Soju, Maek-ju, Alchohol in the night. Not only drink, there is also food!hohoho

In this time, i drink grape juice. So fresh, and taste!!!

No no no! The beer is not mine >▽<

Azka and Banni-eun drank Banana Berry Juice! We also ate Chicken!!! In fact, we also eat fried french too. But, we forgot to took the picture. Yeah, you know... We on take fun together in there!

Our Chicken!!!

We talk about everything in there. About Korea - Indonesia Networking. About tour guide, about company, about videos, etc! So fun!!!

And there is it!!!

If you go to South Korea, just let us now.. And maybe, we will meet to make awesome memories together >▽<

And,if you wanna go Come September, you can follow the picture bellow ♥♥♥

From Myeongdong Station, at exit number 4. And... Just go to the arrow sign! (:

Thanks for reading 📚
Merry Christmast 🎄🎅


Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi

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★★★ STAR's DIARY ★★★

and also follow my instagram at imey2901

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Thanks for reading

And for last but not really last



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