Ticket War Super Junior Super Show 7 Experience

Hy dear!!!

How are you?

Yeah... Today, i will let you know something that special for ELF (super junior's fans)

Today, Super Show 7 ticketing was be start! And... My indonesian friends ask me to get that for her.

I try to get the tickets for her,but..... I fail! My friends is also fail.. And, my another friend was success :"

My friend who ask me to do ticket war, ask me also, to make video about ticket war. Because... Many international fans will be curious about ticket war.

So, when i know, i will be fail. I bring my phone up, to make video...


Enjoy to watch the video! ♥♥♥

Very very very hard for get SM Ticket concert..

I think, Super Junior ticket war is not difficult as EXO Ticket War .. Y?? Cz, i still have 10minutes more for do that. But, for EXO... EXO concert ticket will be sold out on 4 minutes.

So, if you curious for EXO, SNSD, Super Junior ticket war... Lets do by yourself! Wkwkwkw

Let me to go, and C U Next Time ♥♥


Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi

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Thanks for reading

And for last but not really last



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