My Brother Did My Make-Up Challenge ft. Ujung Oppa

Hy guys!!!!

How are you?!

Are you watching Ujung Oppa's channel???

Are you remamber with Nemo Party Room, that i posted before????


I will post about Ujung Oppa who did bani-eun and Velly's makeup!!!

Let me to show you!!!

Messy make-up!!!

And tadaaa!!!

So cute, are them?! -,,-

If you curious about the video, i will show you!!!

Kkkk so funny!!! >▽<

Dont forget to subscribe them, too ♥.♥


Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi

Dont forget to visit my korean blog

★★★ STAR's DIARY ★★★

and also follow my instagram at imey2901

Or subscribe my channel youtube >> imey's diary << for get my new others video! ♥♥♥

Thanks for reading

And for last but not really last



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