YOEUGOL - The Delicioust Sushi in Hong Ik University

Hy friends....

In this post, i will introduce about one of sushi house in Hong Ik University.

And for first, i will say thanks to this sushi house owner who let me taking some pictures and video (:


If you ask me, why i choice this sushi house, that is because... When my company friend search on Naver, she found the delicious one!

So, let go to follow me!!!

With her, i go to Yoeukkul sushi house at hongik univ.

You have to go to 2nd floor to go the sushi house!!

I and her, decided to siting on the sushi bar. So, we can talk with owner about sushi!! There is 'HOW TO EAT SUSHI' too!!! And... I just know that for eat sushi with the sauce. Hahahhahahahaha

I will let you know about the sushi prices >▽<

Hmm expensives enough. But, let to try first! Because...... Dont judge sushi for the price(?) lol

While i wait our sushi come... The woman employee gave us a udon! Yeah i like udon also. But... If i have sushi, i will choice sushi >▽<

Tadaaa!! Hhihihi

Okay, let to see our sushi!!!

Looks delicious, isnt it?!

The fish is so soft and fresh!!! Really really really!!! The sauce is from 4 kind of fruit! The taste is... MAKNYUSSSSS

For visual, can you feel about the taste??? Hihihi

Hmm design interior is not bad i think! But....... I am not make that be a minus poin! Because.... I like that sushi!! May be, i can eat sushi everyday >▽< hahaha

If you wanna go there, just follow the map bellow! (:

Just go to Hong Ik station line green number 2, go to exit number 9. Than... Just follow the line blue hahahaha

Not really difficult to follow the map, right?

Ah!!! Dont forget to watch our youtube video also! ♥♥

So, i will go to sleep!!!

Byeee :*


Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi

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Thanks for reading

And for last but not really last



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