Don't Worry, If You Only Have 3USD and You Feel Hungry!

Hy guys!!!

I will let you something special!!! Yeah >▽<

If you go to south korea for backpacker, and suddenly you have not money again... Don't worry!!!



I have the answer!!!


What is that???

Hmmm don't talk more! Just let me to go to inside!!!

You will re-charge your body's energy with this food!!! Not really expensive for make your tummy being full!!!

I and Bani-eun order Bobpongseu and Chesse Tteokgalbi

Let me to show you

Delicious!!! The original korean taste for university student like me and her!!! Hohoho

You can find this restaurant in everywhere! But.. I bought this near from our university  ^^

If you go to Ehwa, or Korean University, i think you will find this restaurant hihihi

Ok, i will go now.... Byeeee


Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi

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Thanks for reading

And for last but not really last



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