2017 Thailand Festival at Seoul

Hy Culimeyers!!!

How are you???

Today is already first on July :3 SEOUL??? Hmmm it will be rain.

However, i will let you know about the cool festival! Hihihihi

Actually this festival, i don't know before. Why? Cause, today's schedule is Volunteer Activity on Jong-Gak Seoul Global Center.

Yeah.... Almost quarter of year i am not telling you about SGC hihihi. Are you miss SGC so much, rite?

As you know... SGC not only on Myeongdong, there is lot in SEOUL. Gangnam, Yeok-sam, Itaewon, Myeongdong, Dongdaemun, Myeongdong, etc.

Myeongdong's SGC is Korean Culture Center, and in different place is center of business, volunteer, advice, etc. About Daily Living?

After i did the volunteer, YooJin Kim as Tim Lead, asked us to visit Thailand Festival near from Cheong-Gye-Cheong Steam. So, we just walk around 5 or 7 minutes to go there. Yeaps! There is SGC's stand in there ^^

Okay back!

And this is the pictures of 2017 Thailand Festival

There's a lot of people, isn't it???

Not only people, there is a lot of Thailand Food's stand. Huuuu the smell.... Make me starving 「AGAIN」 

There is Information Thailand's stand too... Stand of Thailand Embassy is also easy to find in here!

Information of Thailand will give you a lot information about Thailand exactly! Little information abouy Thailand culture, or Thailand Tourism?

Hmmm... Already July! Summer Holiday will be heald as soon as possible on August~

Will you go to Thailand? Philipine? Or Indonesia? Hihihihi

Thailand Information's stand gave me water hahaha

Not only Thailand Airways, There is Air Asia as media partner hihihi

This festival will be held from today untill 2nd of July 2017. Start from 10am untill 10 pm. Hihihi

Okay.... I have to go now! >▽<

Enjoy Your Life, Enjoy Your Day, Keep Being your-self!

Dont forget to visit my korean blog too

Last but not for last

Xoxo and ANNYEOOOONG ♥♥♥


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