Shaky Shaky Hot Dog at Hongik University


As my promise~ I will share to you about Bani-Eun Eonni and My Experience to being PIG cause we eat much in one day at Hongik University on last sunday :" hohoho

So~ after we ate Tteokpokki, we go around and find a little cafe that sell Hot Dog as Main Menu ♥.♥

Not only Sundae and Tteokpokki, our lovely snack is Sausages ★★★ hohoho

So.... We decided to being close, to look the price and...... Open our pocket to pay the Hot Dog ♥.♥ hohoho

And/ this is it!!!

The price make us be .... *loading*

After Eonni order the Hot Dog~ we wait for a while~

Then... We got our Hot Dog!

We wont to be pig, so.... Just divides to be 2 hohoho

For price~ i will give 4.5 of stars
And for taste~ i will give 4 of stars

You can easy to find this cafe when you go to Hongik University ^^

Okay~ see you on next post!!! ^^

Enjoy your Day, Enjoy Your Life, Enjoy Your DIET!!!

Dont forget to visit my korean blog too ♥


xoxo and annyeooong ♥♥♥

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