DOB GAMJATANG - A Restaurant of Korean Pork Bone Stew Near of Konkuk University


I'm back with interesting news hahahaha yasss!!! Because of my schedule~ i got 4 post in oneday~ hahaha

Are you remamber with my last post???

Yasss! About Korean Actor and Actress who i met~ hohoho

I took that picture in front of A Restaurant of Korean Food 'Gamja-Tang' or the whole people will call as 'Pork Bone Soup Stew'

The Restauran's name is DOB GAMJATANG

(Sorry, i forgot to took of Restaurant's front side)

Okay~ lets go on!! Gogo Sing!!!

Actually, the day is rainy day when i came to there. So~ i forgot to took about inside picture too :(

But~ the inside looking is not important enough~ cause....... The important is about food! Hahaha

Let me show you about their delicious food!!!

This food is salad! Not the main food OKAY~ HIHIHI

Let me show the main menu!!!

If you can eat pork, you can ask them about beef! ^^

Hmm... How about price???

Don't worry be happy! Hohoho

Not so expensive~

Our CEO's company ask us to eat as much as can. Yas... Cause, all of food in our table is free XD

Actually~ this is not my first time to get some free food hohoho sometimes~ i got free food~ and i posted in here xixixi

Imey~ how bout your diet???


Okay~ i have to back to our studio!

Enjoy Your Day, Enjoy Your Life, Enjoy Your Diet

Dont forget to visit my Korean Blog Too




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