Go To Everland WITHOUT Friends


So~ i will let you know~

I went to EVERLAND without FRIENDS kkkkk

Everland is theme park~

you should come with friend, family, or your lover...

But~~~ NO ONE accompanying me in there ♥♥♥

Yeah~~~ as tour guide~ i and my tourist went to everland. And..... I just make them feel free~ so.... I feel free too ♥.♥

Emang kelihatan aneh sih... Ke Everland, tapi kok sendirian wkwkwk tapiiiii I ENJOYED ★★★

If you wanna go to Everland~ you should go GANGNAM STATION. And in exit number 10~ you have to go streight untill 'WHO R U' store. And you can wait 5002 Bus that go to EVERLAND without stop ♥.♥ yippieee!!!

55 minutes later.......

YEESSSEU!!! i arrieved!

You have to go straight again to go to EVERLAND SUTTLE BUS~ yeah! Now~ you at bus stop number 5. You should go to bus stop number 4 ^^


I arrieved to Tickets box~ but ..... I haven't buy~ because~ i already bought the tickets ♥.♥

So~ i just go to entrance door~ and show my phone. (There is barcode of everland's tickets)

And............. I just entry ♥.♥

I told my tourist to feel free~ i will wait at exit door at 5 or 5.30pm

So..... I free start 11 am untill 5.pm hihihihi

First time!

You should buy Everland's accessories ♥.♥ so~ i bought hair band~ YEAH!! I LOVE HAIR BAND ★★★

So CUTE!!!


I love to ride VICKING!

There is story when before my mom gives birth of me~ hihihi

When i still on my mom's stomach~ my mom asked to my dad to ride VICKING~ SOOOOOO I LOVE RIDE VICKING!!!

After i ride vicking........ I just walk around~

I search rollercoaster but....... I am not found it -?-

So~ i ride simillar vehicle huffttt

I ride ......

Almost 50% of my clothes being wet -.-

Not only my clothes~ my hair huhuhu

Before i ride Thunder Falls~ i met Oppa hahaha

I though, he was bored~ yeah...... Find the job is difficult. And also......... That's job is.... Hard too ㅠ

Hmmm susah dijelaskan dengan kata-kata.

Pokoknya, nyari kerja dan ketika sudah dapat kerja itu sama-sama HIMDEURO~~~!! PFFFTTT

(Sayang ngetsssss aku ga dapet nomer hp itu oppa(?) *lohkok)

Ok~ next!!!

Karena aku lapar(?) aku membeli apa ya? Hmmm

Aku ga jadi beli apa-apa... Alhasil aku berjalan terusssss hingga menuju taman bunga ♥.♥

I love flower~ yeah~!!!! As banni-eun said~ i already looks-alike korean ahjumma~ cause i like flower ♥.♥

Disana lagi ada rame-rame~ dan ternyata emang lagi ada festival spring flower..

My outfit???

Seperti yang bisa dilihat~ atasan berwarna PINK berlengan 3/4 dengan size kedodoran, celana pendek 5cm di atas lutut, tas kecil selempangan, kaos kaki, dan sepatu olahraga ♥.♥

Yaps!!! KOREAN FASHION STYLE sekaliiii

Oh iya~~~

Model and actor were attending to there (festival spring cooking flower) But..... I don't like korean actor (again) so..... I am not asked him to take selfie together ;)

(Note: JB... You still stole my heart~ plz bring back to me 4years later ♥.♥)

Setelah nonton bunga-bunga........... Aku kemana y?

Ah!!! Aku naik kereta langit(?)

Dan this is it....!!!!


Am i still old enough to go here? Kkkk i forgot my ages :"

Okay~ ages is just number! YEAH JUST NUMBER ♥.♥

Setelah naik itu... Aku kemana lagi ya?? Ah... Aku naik wahana extream sejenis roller coaster ♥.♥

That is!!! Mini Roller Coaster hihihi

I also wanna to ride that~ but....... 안돼! I already headache huhuhu

So~~~ after i ride mini roller coaster~ i bought Pineapple Ice ♥.♥

I also bought SAUSAGES ♥.♥


THEN.... i cameback to entry door~ for wait my tourist~ ^^

While i wait them.... I take pictures of flower....

I also watch hologram movie... The tittle is .... (I forgot! Cause~ the movie is for children)


I really forgot with my ages :"

22 years old~ that is old enough to feel free at amusements park??? Hihihi

Okay~ just forget about ages!!!

Dan setelah menunggu sekitar 40menit... Mereka datang~?! Yippieeee

Then~ time to back to S.E.O.U.L ♥.♥

Sesampainya di Seoul~ kita jalan-jalan sekitar Gangnam. Kemudian ke Banpo Han River ^^

Mau tau kelanjutannya??? Makanya~~ FOLLOW akun ini :3 hihihi

Dont forget about my Korean Blog Too ♥♥♥

★★★ STAR's DIARY ★★★

okay deh, CULIMEYERS.....

kita lanjut lagi kapan-kapan hihihi

Xoxo and ANNYEOOOONG ♥♥♥


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