Unique Love Culture in South Korea by Korean Power Blog


How are you??? Is already September! Yahooooo

September.... October.... November... And Winter hohoho. My lovely weather will come ♥♥♥

There is unique culture in South Korea. Why???? September is coming. So, the autumn is just count the number. In South Korea, big part of Korean Man will search lover in this season. They preparing for Christmast's Friend and hmm... I dunno(?) lol. *note: big part doesn't mean as 100%

The unique season of south korean people is.....

When autumn comes, the man will search lover
When winter, they will be lover
In spring, they will get marry
And summer, will be baby arrived season. Lol

(Note: just big part. So, dont 100% believe!!!)

Last weekend, i and korean eonnies made appointments to meet. This korean eonnies is power blog in South Korea. Hohoho

They doing blog since 4 years ago. Many korean people don't know them. But, many korean people read their blog. (Especially for Korean Mother, and Korean people who love to cook)

I ate Tteokpokkies a lot today with them. And do Escape Game in Escape Game Cafe in Seoul. For last... We ate Bingsu (Korean Dissert).

I also do not forget to do exercise of course. Hihihihi

*i have to diet for my youtube contents and being korean idol in next year(?) *justkid. No no no... I have to do diet again, for my youtube contents, and also... For my future husband(?) #pray4meplz

We talks so much! About korean idol, korean actor and actress, korean culture, korean food, and also korean boy and man. Hahaha

I got a lot of love advice from them. I have a lot of love story from them >▽< and... I think of our conversation if big part of korean boy and man based of true story! Hohoho

Hmm... As you know, i have a crush nowadays. But his age is young. 3 years younger than me. So, i dunno... What will i do in the future. Kkkk

And the summery is.... If you really love him, just tell him. And for next activity, let the time to see you.. ♥♥♥

Okay, i will sleep now. Thanks for reading ♥♥♥

Dont forget to visit my korean blog


and also follow my instagram at imey2901 (click and my instagram will come!)

Enjoy your day, Enjoy your diet! Cause beautiful is need to war!!!

Xoxo and ANNYEOOOONG ♥♥♥


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