Dorothy Hanbok Rental House

Hai!!! I am back hohoho

I can't write everyday cause of my scedule :( yasss my company ask me to write scenario for advertising, for web drama, ect. Hmm i will do shooting too!!! I am exciting!

Are you remamber with my picture on instagram? My hanbok picture!!! I will let you know, where is to rental beautiful hanbok with cheap price.

In Dorothy Hanbok House!!!

Lets go to 2nd floor!!!

Hanbok in there is so beautiful!!! No scratch, and really really pretty for you especiall who will do pre-wedding photograph.

The owner is so friendly!!!

I also do photograph with that hanbok! Let me to show you ♥♥♥

And.... My travel custumor. You know lah... I dream to be Movie Director who need a lot of network, and also need a lot of money. So~ i open my travel too hihihi

They so loveable!!! Hohoho

And..... This for last picture!!!

He is musa~ Musa is Wedding photographer in korea. If you wanna to do pre-wedding photographer, let me know! ^^ i will give you some special prices♥♥♥

Okay, i will go to work >▽<

Thanks for reading!

Enjoy you life, Enjoy your diet! Bacause beautiful is need to war!!

Dont forget to visit my korean blog


And also follow my instagram!!! @imey2901

Last but not for last

Xoxo and annyeonggggg ♥♥♥♥


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