Singil Jjamppong - The Spiciest Jjamppong In South Korea

Hy!!! I am back ★★★

Today i will let you know about the spiciest korean-chinesse food in South Korea.

We call it as SINGIL JJAMPPONG!!!

Why??? Cause, the store is located in Singil, Seoul- South Korea.

This food recommends for you who love spicy food! ♥.♥

I love jjamppong and spicy food~ so, i wanna eat this food!!! Hmmm is not recomend on summer time! ~


Welcome to Singil HOT Jjamppong!

Menu??? Where is the menu???


They also have Milk and Juice!

After we ordered, they give us

After wait a while, our main dish came!!!

Looks so delicious,rite??? 

We ordered the very very very spicy jjamppong!!!

Banni-eun eonni was challange me, to eat all of the jjamppong!!

Hmm... Can i eat all???

Yes!! I can!!! I can't eat the jjamppong water, cause.......... I already full!!!!

If you can't eat hot food, don't eat that! You will die!!! ♥♥♥

We also order kimbab, tbh hohoho

You can buy the hot ingredient too!!!

I wanna buy,but... Expensive! I know the cheaper place that sell 'gochukaru'

If you wanna go here, you can follow the mam bellow!

(Follow the green line! After you exit from number 1 on Singil Station in line blue number 1 or line purple number 5)

Okay~ enjoy your day!!!

Enjoy your diet! Enjoy your life! Because beautiful is need to fight! ♥♥♥

Dont forget to visit my korean blog


follow my instagram's account too : imey2901

Last but not for last!

Xoxo and annyeeeeong ♥♥♥


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