Neon Moon Shop - Let Me Go To 80's


*i took this story in the same day when i hang out to Hongik University*

How are you, culimeyers???? I hope you fine ♥

Did you remember in last month that i hanged out to Hongik University? About back to 90's? Before i visit there, i do go to 80's first~ hmmm i though, my last adventure in Hongik University is about 'Oldis One Day Tour' hohoho

Let me see you this 80's shop!

Let's go to inside!!!

There is a lot of 80's stuff~!

In the first, i think this shop is Fashion Boutiques, but... I am wrong :(

Yassss~ the shop sell outfit also~ hohoho

I wanna take the picture but..... Employee stops my action to take that picture ㅠㅠ hmm

Okay~! I have to go work again ㅠㅠ

Yasssss my office has big project with local station television in Incheon, South Korea. And i have to focus to my youtube channel prepare~

When i realize my youtube channel, i hope you also give your love to me as your support ♥♥♥

Thanks for reading

Enjoy your diet, enjoy your life! Because beautiful is need to fight!!

Dont forget to visit my korea blog


Dont forget to follow my Instagram on imey2901

And last but not for last

Xoxo and annyeoooooong!!!♥♥♥


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