Met Song Jong Ki and So Ji Sub by Accident

  • Hello guys!

Hello August!!!

Actually i wanna write this article on first August, but........... I got accident hohoho i hurt my knee :( i got fall a while after i got down from the bus huhuhu

Okay!!! Forget it! >▽< i will let you know, about f*cking my experience because... I Met Song Jong Ki and So Ji Sub in one time hohoho

Do you know about Song Jong Ki and So Ji Sub's new film cinema???

I am not sure about the English Tittle :( huhuhu

Yasss!!! I met them on 29th of July by accident. How can??? Hmmm because i love movie so much! Hohoho i will be the first person who will put hand up when my close people ask me to go to cinema!

Are you remambering Bannie-Eun Eonni? My roommate, my crime partner, my closest friend, and also my sibling since i stay in South Korea. I met them with her ♥.♥

She ask me to eat pizza, and go to cinema~ hmmm.... We decide to watch Despicable Me 3, but when we visit CGV near of Sejong University, there's a lot of kids hohoho so~ we go to Lotte Cinema that located near from Konkuk University. A while after arrived in there, she feel, there is Greeting Stage. But~ after we looking round, we found it!! Song Jung Ki and So Ji Sub. Hohohoho

This is not our first experience to go to cinema and met korean movie actor by accident tbh >▽<

We buy 2 tickets as fast as possible, and we got it!!!

I will let you know about our guest stars! Hahaha

We got far seat from stage :( so... When i zoom my camera, i can't got Song Jong Ki and So Ji Sub's face clearly :( so sad!!!

Hmmm... And summary of this Greeting Stage is 'Enjoy To Watch Our Movie and Please Give Us Your Support' ♥♥♥

The film is about war story between Korea and Japan in 1945. Hmmm Nagasaki? I think you all indonesian people are remamber about Nagasaki Bomb's history story, rite?! ^^ but.... This point of view from South Korea.

I love this movie so much! The cool effect, movie editing, sound, sad-ending story, the great of acting aesthetics, color grading.. Made this movie being the movie that MUST to watch in this Summer Holiday ♥.♥


okay~ i have to go office now~

Have A Nice Day! ^^

Enjoy your Diet, Enjoy Your Day! Because Beautiful is Need a fight! ^^

Dont forget to visit my Korean Blog too ♥♥♥


dont forget to follow my Insta on: Imey2901

And last but not for last!!!

Xoxo and Annyeooong!!!


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