How To Change Visa D10 to E7 Visa Korea


as foreigner, we have to go to Imigration, aren't us?

yeah... if we want to change visa, we have to call 1345 and if they are not busy, we can get a million of information.

not only via call, we can search information by website at

but, i know~ the problem is.... if we want to change our visa from student to be worker. is not easy, ganks..
in here i will let you know, some of A LOT DOCUMENTS that you need if you want to change your D visa to E visa

you must prepare by yourself:
- 여권 사진 3x4
- 성격증명서 (score transcript)
- 절업증명서
- 결핵검사 확인서 (you will get from 보건소)
- 집계약
- 경력증/학위징
- 133.000 KRW for your new visa

prepare by your company::
- 회사소개서 ppt print.
- 사업등력증
- 고용사유서 (활용계획서) *looks at picture

- 고용계약서
- 임직원 명부 /보험명단 (must be list by 4대보험's website )
- 납부내역증명
- 납세사실증명
- 표준손익계산서
- 표준재무제표증명
- 포괄임금
- (additional documents, you will know ater you visit imigration)

*you have to call 1345 and ask them for documents that you need by mssg
** in the 체류자격 직정코드 you have to write your reason why you want to change your visa to work visa (example: i graduate from 광고시각디자인, so i wrote 디자이너 (285) in there)
*** don't wrote 통번역 in 체류자격 직정코드 if you have not translator 자격증
**** sorry, i wrote documents in korean, cause that will help you and korean company for prepare your documents

i also recommends you to bring your 회사 담당자 to accompany you, and i hope your 담당자 is korean, cause, they will fight with imigration's worker for you.

after that... you will get your 체류신청서. just wait arrpind 2weeks ~ 1months, and your visa will arrive to your hand.

i still have to wait my new visa, hmm i hope, i can hold my visa as soon as possible ♥♥

ah ganks,
i still open Korea Backpacker, ganks~! ♥♥♥

okay; i will back soon♥♥♥

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