Warung Kita Ansan, Mengunjungi Kampung Indonesia

hy ganks~!!!

how are you?
i'm back with a lot of stories kkkkk

yeps~ yesterday in 2nd of September, i visited Ansan with my New Boyfriend to try Indonesia Food in S.Korea.

hmm actually, i'm not really wanna eat Indonesian food, but oppa told, he will buy me Gurame Goreng. and........ i go Ansan with him by car >▽<

i order:
- nasi goreng kambing
- gurame goreng with sambal lalapan
- pisang goreng
- ice lemon tea
- es cendol

and for side dish, there is Kerupuk, Pare, Bihun Goreng, Acar, Sambal Goreng Ikan Teri.

i asked my boyfriend to eat all of the food. and he told, he like Nasi Goreng Kambing and Acar. He also eat Pisang Goreng with Saus Sambal.

he doesn't like Jelly inside Es Cendol, Bihun Goreng, my lovely Ikan Gurame, and Pare. he told me, sambal and saos kecap is nice, but not good.

yeah, same as my Boyfriend, i will not recommend about Gurame, cz sedikit amis ㅠㅠ Nasi Goreng Kambing?? hmmm OK~! you have to try it one day~

i visited Ansan after i and him did vacation in Onsan since Saturday night. hmmm~~~

after visited there, we walk around. i found Durian in there. but, do you know Durian Price? SO EXPENSIVE!!! 30.000 Korean Won for little durian -.- not worth it
not only durian, we found Telor Asin.

hmmm.... we also found Visa Agency for mix maried in there, etc.

i also teach him GOBLOK when we looking parking place ✌😂

after i ate all of food, my boyfriend saw my stomachs --"
and he said to me, he will be happy if inside of my stomach there is his baby 😊😂😢😌

kay back to laptop~

if you wanna try Indonesian Food in S.Korea?
as i visited there by car, i will let you know how to go there by Subway.

Ansan Station (subway number 4) exit number 1. and just follow the green line ^^

i still open Korea Backpacker, ganks~! ♥♥♥

okay; i will back soon♥♥♥

Thanks for reading 📚
Thanks for visiting 🏃


Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi


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