My Favorite Cookie During in Seoul

hy ganks~!!! today, i really gabut nih :" gajelas banget mau ngapain dan mau ngepost apaan?! so, i go to 편의점 again, and bought chocolate cookie in there~ ♥♥ there is a lot of 편의점 in South Korea, and the famous one is CU. i bought cookie in behind of my house. whats kind of cookie? chocolate cookie with 438 total calorie has almond inside. not only CU, you can find that in GS25, or Seven Eleven. for prices is not really expensive. but last time i bought in last years is still around 1.000 korean won. but today is 1.200 korean won. huft. okay, i think chocolate and almond price is being more expensive. hmm okay, i will back soon ganks~♥ i still open KOREA TOUR JUST CALL MY WHATSAPP AT +821032742901 Thanks for reading 📚 Thanks for visiting 🏃 *********** Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi ♥ DONT FORGET TO READ THE OTHER POST, FOR THE OTHER EXPERIENCES ♥ Also...