Simple Hallowen Costumes Party Ideas - Korean Culture Exchange Part.2


I know, you already read part one, before hahaha

Yeah, part one in here >> My Culture Exchange Experience

I really confused, what will i wear on my first halloween party. So, i ask my friends. Not only ask to friend, i also ask to youtube. The simple halloween costumes. And i got one!

The simple costume ever!!

I have white dress, and the dress is mini dress. Hmm i also have the long one. So, i just bring two of the dresses. I have a thousand of makeup (yeah... I am the real woman!) so, i think i will play with my makeup! (:

Hmmm i will not use makeup at home! Cause... The people will scare to see me at the road. Altough i am not really know, who they are?! Lol

Okay, i will let you know my halloween costume!

How is it? Not really bad!!! I do simple ghost makeup too~

How about my makeup? Hahaha

And the final makeup!!


When i already at there, i really confused. Other is not wear halloween costumes. But, don't worry.. They will wear the costumes!!!

How bout them? So cute right!!! Not really hard to find that costumes! Simple and unique?! Hohoho

In there, i did games, ice breaking, and etc! For make a lot of friends! Yeah.. I am an extroverter........ Dont ask me to keep silence with them ♥♥♥

After that...... We taking a lot of selcas, and by polaroid camera! And... Here is it! (:

Huft!! I really enjoy the party!!! And i will join again with similar party (: culture exchange program! Hohohoho

I met my young sister, and i found the new one! Hihihi

Okay, i will go to somewhere! Hmm.. I will share with you my other exchange culture program in next time!

Byeee ((♥♥♥♥))


Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi

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★★★ STAR's DIARY ★★★

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Thanks for reading

And for last but not really last



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