Coffee Man, A Cute Coffe Shop for Student University in Konkuk University

Hello, everybodeh....

How are you? i hope you fine :)

hmmm, how bout South Korea nowadays? Spring is already came since some weeks ago ^.^

still cold, but the weather is nice!!! you shouldn't wear some slice of jackets again, yipiieee!!!

I gone to my country last month, so i busy huhu but... i came back ♥

Start from January, I moved to new house, didn't i? yeps... in there, close from my new room... I found the Cute of Coffee Shop >.<

- Coffe Man -

Not only small, but i think.... the prices is so matching with university student's money :) xixixi

why? because, prices is so cheap. you just need 2USD and you will got 2 cents as change.

You should take order from this machine, and pay first in here :)

After you got this struck pf payment, the barista will make your coffee order.

While i waiting my coffee, i looking around

And not for long time, the barista call my order number. And....


I got my large size coffee >.<

Now, I and Bani-eun time to go to our lovely room ♥♥♥♥♥

BONUS ... (i visited there again in next day)

Okay, Culimers,

I will let know you, if you wanna visit this Coffee Shop :)

You can go there from Grand Child Park Subway line 7


Thanks for visiting, don't forget to like, share, and follow me on your google plus ^^

and for last, See You on next time :)

xoxo annyeong ★


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