I Ate 'JOKBAL' at The First Time

(Source: http://blog.daum.net)

Did You Know That Picture???

Yeah~ That is One of many korean food~ they usually call that as 'JOKBAL' aka Pork Trotters (Pig's legs)

"how can you ate pork, that all of people knows~ YOU ARE MUSLIM!!!"

Okay~ this is my storie T.T

I went to Myeongdong with my friends

Suddenly~ They wanna eat Jokbal and also Bossam~ so... I search restorant that sell Jokbal as their menu~

When i found it~ i just entry the restaurant~

No no! I am not curious about that~ but.... My friend ask me to eat that~ so... I just eat jokbal -.-

Altough just one slice.... This is my review as Foreigner who eat Jokbal...

1. Jokbal is so FATTY -.- I DONT LIKE FATTY FOOD since i live at South Korea

2. So Smelly -.- i dont jokbal's smell. Cause...... I can't expressly with english or indonesian or korean -.-

3. THAT IS LEGS!!! PIG'S LEG..!!! Did you know?!?! About Pig's daily life(?) -●●-

4  EXTREAM!!! yeah~ because JOKBAL is trotter~ as known as PORK'S LEGS --"

5. Tasty good... But~~~ SMELL, FATTY AND ALSO MY FANTASY made Jokbal's  taste is not good! ㅠㅠ

Sorry for korean~

Jokbal's taste is really not good ㅠ.ㅠ

The worst pig's taste ever ㅠㅠ

I like Samgyeopsal, I like Budae-Jjigae, I like Sundae, but.... I think not for Jokbal ㅠ

Hmmm and also~ i think Jokbal is one of all about korean food that being health-unhealth food ㅠㅠ

Health~ cause... You have to eat with vegetabble~ like spinach, onion, garlic, cucumber, or the similar things~

But.... unhealthy because....... Jokbal is Pork, and....... So fatty ㅠ

After i ate Jokbal~ sorry for korean.... I was throw up ㅠㅠ so~~~ i feel sorry to you all ㅠ

(especially for Jinbeom- I dont know why '-' i just thought that Jinbeom is one of korean who love Jokbal -,- hmm... Bisa dibilang muka nya, muka-muka babi 😭😭😭-)

For Jinbeom, or All of korean who like Jokbal or simillar things~~~ YOU ARE COOL '-' EXTREAMLY COOL ♥♥♥

Dan di mindset ku sekarang... Jokbal adalah makanan sampah tjoyyy T.T dan... Ketika ngelihat wajah Jinbeom, keinget Jokbal 😅 atau kebalik? Eh ga tau ding... Yang jelas gitu...... JB = ....... Krik krik krik ㅠㅠ 미안행

NOTE: For all of Korean Friends (girl or boy)... You can eat Jokbal in front of me, but... Dont ask me to eat jokbal for twice ㅠㅠ i feel sorry cause i dont like it! If you wanna eat jokbal~ please.... Just eat alone! Dont ask me to join to eat that :) just join in your table is no problem ㅠ ya kan daripada muntah?! If i throw up~ that will be big problem ㅠㅠ

Okay~ that is my today's story... About my 1st time experience to eat Jokbal.

Dont forget to visit my Korean Blog >> STAR'S DIARY << just click and you will go to the blog

Dan........ Sampai berjumpa lagi~ CU NEXT TIME!!!



  1. tapi aku bangga sm km loh, me! :D at least, km udah nyobain. ga usah km lah.. adekku aja ga doyan sikile babi. aku wae sampai sekarang ga pernah nyobain sikil babi.

    1. Ojok di tiru yo, stef...
      Sikile babi itu rasae nggak enak blasssss --" tapi yooo aku rodok 'amazing' ngunu lah~ pas liat orang korea makan sikil babi '-'


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