Gapyeong One Day Tour - Morning Garden Calm


How are you????

Hmmm~ are you remamber with my post on last year about ONE DAY TOUR at NAMI and PETITE FRANCE??? Hmm if you forgot it, you can click and go there, then ^^

In there~ i let you know 'HOW TO GO TO NAMI AND PPETITE FRANCE' by Gangpyeong One Day Bus Tour from seoul's ITX station, or from subway's station :)


Last month~ I WENT TO MORNING GARDEN CALM~! Yippieeee!!!

I forgot to took 'greeting' message in outside -.- yeah~ I HANG OVER because of bus ㅠㅠ (i can't take a bus btw)


That day~ i bring my friend who datting with her boyfriend in korea to take seoul tour hihihi

We start from Dongdaemun Design Plaza Station at line number 2~ go to Konkuk University Station, and get transfer to line 7 to go to SANGBONG Station ^^

After that~ we shoul take transfer again to go to Gangpyeong Station or Cheongpyeong Station :)

In there~ we can take the One Day Tour Bus ^^ just pay about 6.000 korean won ♥♥♥

Then.... The bus will bring us to go to MORNING GARDEN CALM ~

And.... This is it!!!! The pictures of Morning Garden Calm~

[There is a lot of my tourist's picture hihihi]

If Banni-eun Eonni knows~~~ she will call me as KOREAN AHJUMMA -.-

WHY???? CAUSEEEEE I LIKE FLOWER! seems like korean ahjumma who likes flower~ kkkk

In Morning Garden Calm~ there is 300 more species of flower and plant :)

So~ 1 hour is not enough!!!

You need about 2hours 30minutes? Hihihi

After that~ we go to Petite France and last is Nami Island by the Bus :)

When i went to Petite France~ i found a lot of shows! Kkk and the cute one is ......

And this is Nami Island

We went to Nami Island at 6 o'clock! So~~~ look like our private island xixixi

There is many people, but not much!!! And..... Almost of them is Korean XD so.... We are feel like a Local tourist! Kkkkk

In Morning Garden Calm is similar~ there no international tourist hahaha (almost)

And~~~~ the last Bus is on 7.20pm .... We late! Hahahaha

So~ we took taxi~ and pay around 3.000 korean won XD actually~ you can go to Gangpyeong Station from Nami Island on foot lol XD

And........ Our Gangpyeong One Day Tour is already  Finish at 8.50 pm :3

Hmm..... If you wanna do that~ you can follow my way ^^ and just click on that link :3 xixixi

Bye and C U later~ ♥♥♥

Dont forget to go to STAR's diary too ♥♥♥♥

Xoxo and ANNYEONG ♥♥♥


  1. then, i'm ajumma too. lol! :D

  2. wow pemandangan yang sangat indah, apalagi pergi ke tempat syuting kim yojung sama park bo gum juga.. hhe


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