Find Kapoor Collection

hy ganks~!!!! how are you? today, i will show you some of our find kapoor collection for our customer (: i sent this bags to Indonesia with GREAT PRICEs~ are you curious? just go to IG: @k.rame_shop not only Indonesia, we sent this bag around the world ^^. hmm...... how bout tax? don't worry~!!! the best citizen is who pay tax (: so~?!?!?! don't think long~ and grab it fast!!! i also still do open trip to Seoul, South Korea. just ask at whatsapp +821032742901 i will back, as soon as possible ♥ Thanks for reading 📚 Thanks for visiting 🏃 *********** Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi ♥ DONT FORGET TO READ THE OTHER POST, FOR THE OTHER EXPERIENCES ♥ Also visit to my korean blog ★★★ STAR's DIARY ★★★ and follow my instagram at imey2901 Or subscribe my channel youtube >> imey's diary <...