Tokyo 420 Japanese Food

hy hy hy...... long time no see! hiks how are you? a few days ago, i went to Tokyo 420 with my church friend to eat lunch. do you remamber Banni-eun? yeah, my lovely sister.... she wanna eat in there but, i still cant go there with her. hiks yeah.... i go there, and eat Salmon Rice. and my friend eat Kimchi Rice. i will let you know the visual Kimchi Rice with japanese bean so big! my salmon rice im not sure what is this kkkk i will not recommend you in here.. cz expensive lol not really has good taste. huft but i curiously........ why a lot of people go to this restaurant? huft... okay... i will back, as soon as possible ♥ Thanks for reading 📚 Thanks for visiting 🏃 *********** Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi ♥ DONT FORGET TO READ THE OTHER POST, FOR THE OTHER EXPERIENCES ♥ Also visit to my korean blog ★★★ STAR's DIARY ...