Bowling Center Near Konkuk University

Hello ganks!
How are you????
I posted last post on 22nd January
I am so busy nowadays!

Ah, today is 28th January, that means is ... D-1 of my officially 23years old (in International ages) and 24 years old (in Korean Ages)

First time, i asked to Hyo Seong for go to Sincheon. Yeah... Nowadays, i got a lot of email that told me for make advertising about their place, their restourant, their product, etc. Huft..
But, Hyo Seong's house is so far from Seoul, told me to ask Yong Bin. Yeah, Yong Bin is living in Seoul. And finally, i decided to meet Yong Bin today.

Yong Bin ask me to bring his friend, his name is Jae Jun. Jae Jun is Yong Bin's high school friends. Yong Bin told me, they can be friend bcuz Jae Jun was lonely in the class. Okay, back to laptop!!!

After i met Yong Bin and Jae Jun, i looking for 'mat jib' we will eat Samgyeopsal and bring some glass of alchohol. But...... I think, God said dont do that. So, we go to Steak House. I will share about steak house later, after this post!

Yeah, we also visited bowling park, that i will show to you!!!

We have to turn down to go to B1 Floor. And, you will get greeting from handsome staff.

For price? Wait!!!

Actually, there is some discount if you show your student ID. But, i am not heard clearly. Today, i cant use the student card :c
Total our payment is ... 11.700 korean won / person.

Before you play bowling, you must change your shoes

There is different color of shoes

Pink for girl

And green for man.

After that, we must to choose our bowling ball.
Then... We could play bowling!

My ball is pink, Yong Bin's ball is purple. And, i forgot about Jae Jun's ball. Green one is other team.

There is menu in our table, too...

Looks!!! Yong Bin is perfect bowling players!!! He teach me and Jae Jun for play bowling.

Woah.... Today is one of 365 pages is 2018 that feels so fun!!! I love it ♥.♥

There is bowling center in your place? If yes, just leave in comment bellow!! ^^

Thanks for reading 📚
Thanks for supporting 💪


Enjoy your life, Enjoy your Diet. karena cantik itu butuh usaha hihihi


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Thanks for reading

And for last but not really last




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